3 Major Trends Impacting Public Health and Wellness

Public health is an ever-evolving discipline in which individuals possess the capacity to influence significant and lasting changes almost daily. Given their endeavors, public health professionals proactively tackle inequalities in healthcare, advocate for fairness, and consistently strive to enhance favorable health outcomes for the individuals within the communities they serve.

As we delve into the intricacies of public health and wellness, it becomes evident that many key trends influence this field. These trends shape how public health professionals operate, necessitating an unwavering commitment to staying informed and adaptable. Below, we will explore the prominent factors currently shaping public health, casting light on their implications and potential solutions.

1. Increased Focus on Health Policy

Source: Canva.com

The heightened emphasis on health policy has emerged as a pivotal aspect within the arsenal of public health professionals, enabling them to effectuate substantial enhancements in the health of their communities. By bridging healthcare services and public health, health policy facilitates a concerted focus on proactive measures for disease and illness prevention, surpassing the traditional scope of treatment alone.

While this notion has consistently held relevance, recent years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in health policy at various levels, including federal, state, and local. Furthermore, private organizations and employers have increasingly embraced health policy to foster the well-being of their employees and the wider community in which they operate.

Pursuing a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) provides a valuable platform for individuals to acquire comprehensive knowledge of health policy and other pertinent factors influencing public health and wellness. With a focus on interdisciplinary approaches, an MPH program equips students with the essential skills to navigate the intricacies of health policy, evaluate its impact, and propose evidence-based strategies for its improvement.

As we move into a digital age, the availability of online MPH programs further widens the accessibility and flexibility of obtaining this advanced degree. Online learning platforms empower aspiring public health professionals to engage in rigorous coursework, collaborate with peers, and gain practical experience in a virtual environment. This accessibility ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds can actively contribute to the field of public health, fostering a broader impact on communities and promoting overall wellness.

2. Increased Aging Population

Increased Aging Population
Source: Canva.com

The demographic shift towards an aging population necessitates expanding public health services to meet the evolving needs of this cohort. Projections from Healthy People 2030, a program formulated to steer public health initiatives for the forthcoming decade, indicate that nearly a quarter of the United States population will be 65 or above by 2060.

As the baby boomer population reaches retirement and enjoys prolonged lifespans, their requirements are poised to exert a substantial influence on all facets of healthcare, encompassing the realm of public health.

Advanced age inherently poses unique health challenges and vulnerabilities for older individuals. A prevalence of chronic ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and osteoporosis, along with elevated rates of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, injuries (such as falls), social isolation, and mental health disorders, are commonly observed among this demographic.

Furthermore, mobility issues arising from factors such as vision impairment, balance deficits, joint complications, and pain significantly impact the ability of older individuals to navigate their surroundings. Consequently, a critical facet of public health concerning the aging population lies in fostering age-friendly environments and neighborhoods.

Moreover, older individuals often exhibit long-established behavioral patterns and habits developed over their lifetimes, encompassing aspects such as diet, exercise, and substance use (e.g., alcohol and tobacco). Hence, public health services must endeavor to educate and empower these individuals to modify or break detrimental habits, leading to improved health outcomes.

3. Millennials Prioritizing Self-Care

Millennials Prioritizing Self-Care
Source: Canva.com

Amongst the demographic cohorts, millennials exhibit a profound inclination towards self-care, allocating more than double the expenditure in this category compared to baby boomers.

Self-care has emerged as a dominant component within the vast global wellness industry, with approximately 90% of Americans actively engaging in some form of self-care practices. Notably, a significant proportion, one-third of individuals, has witnessed a recent upsurge in their self-care activities.

This trend encompasses various habits, products, and services that harmoniously contribute to the overarching objective of holistic well-being, encompassing both mental and physical facets. Notably, meditation apps have recently experienced a remarkable surge in popularity, catering to the growing demand for mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Furthermore, the self-care movement has propelled the skincare industry to unprecedented heights, with sales witnessing a steady annual growth rate of approximately 5% since 2014. Notably, the year 2020 witnessed a historic milestone as skincare products outpaced makeup products in terms of sales for the first time, underscoring the shifting consumer preferences towards nurturing and enhancing skin health.

In the pursuit of overall well-being, individuals are placing a heightened emphasis on sleep, recognizing its pivotal role in maintaining optimal health. Alarming statistics reveal that a staggering 35.3% of adults experience insufficient sleep, with sleep deprivation linked to various health issues, including depression, obesity, and diabetes.

Despite a modest slowdown in growth owing to the pandemic, the introduction of sleep pods is gaining popularity as a novel way to treat sleep deprivation. These enclosed and private sleeping areas provide relief and a possibility for napping or overnight rest in public locations like airports, train stations, shopping malls, and company offices, meeting the rising need for convenient and revitalizing sleep options.

Thus, the emerging self-care movement signals a paradigm change in consumer priorities, as consumers increasingly recognize the need to nourish their physical and mental well-being, with far-reaching implications for businesses ranging from cosmetics to sleep solutions.


Public health is an ever-changing discipline in which experts work to eliminate healthcare inequities, promote equity, and enhance health outcomes. The key trends influencing public health include a greater emphasis on health policy, the impact of an aging population, and a rising emphasis on self-care. If public health professionals want to serve their communities effectively and have a long-term impact on well-being, they must adapt to these changes.

To address the increasing problems and possibilities in public health, professionals must stay proactive and adaptive. They should try to develop their knowledge and abilities to create positive change and improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

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